January 18, 2025 | Weather Alerts

New event. Cold Weather Advisory from 1/19/2025 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM CST

May be an image of map and text that says 'Cold Weather Advsiory 3:00 AM until 9 AM Sunday Hazards A Cold Weather Advisory means that temperatures and/or wind chill are forecasted to fall to 20°F or lower Cold 남난리학랑 Adyisory January 18, 2025 5:53 A Alexandria Leesville These temperatures and wind chills can lead hypothermia with prolonged exposure. Jasper Woodville De Ridder Bunkie Oakdale Buna Ragley Dress in dry layers if going outdoors during this time and have a quickly accessible source of warmth. Opelousas BeaumonOran Lake Charles Jennings National Atmosphe and Administration noeoooHoHиTR Rim State Park Cameroh Jeanerettę PecanIsland Morgan City National Weather Service Lake Charles, LA'

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