Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC)

LEPCs must develop an emergency response plan, review it at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens.  Plans are developed by Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) with stakeholder participation. There is one LEPC for each of the more than 3,000 designated local emergency planning districts.

The LEPC membership must include (at a minimum):

Elected state and local officials
Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals
Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
Facility representatives
Representatives from community groups and the media

The mission of the Local Emergency Planning Committee is to:

Develop a comprehensive hazardous materials emergency response plan for our community. To be effective, planning must be an ongoing activity.

Receive and record information about chemical releases.

Collect, manage, and provide public access to information on hazardous chemicals in our area.

Educate the public about the risks from accidental and routine releases of chemicals and work with facilities to minimize the risks.

St. Mary Parish LEPC Members

Jimmy Broussard (Chairman) St. Mary Parish Government OHSEP Director

David Naquin (Member) Former Director of St. Mary Parish Government OHSEP

Paul Rappmundt (Member) OHSEP Assistant Director, Civil Air Patrol Wing Commander, trained Law Enforcement Officer and in Fire Rescue. Self-employed business owner (P & K Machine Shop)

Kayla Guerrero (Member) Region 3 Office of Public Health, Public Health Nurse , assisted Parish OEP with Evacuations and Sheltering.

Daniel W. Landry (Member) Director of Plant Operations and Safety,  Franklin Foundation Hospital.

Janet Marcotte (Secretary) OHSEP Administrative Assistant, has worked for St. Mary Parish Government directly serving as Ohsep Secretary. Handles Emergency Passes for Tier I and II, and Inventory of Emergency Equipment for the Parish.

Hal Titus (Member) St. Mary Parish CERT Director,  is recently retired from Acadian Ambulance after many years of service.

Brian Blanchard (Member)  Safety/Health Manager,  Cabot Corporation.

Chuck Bourgeois (Member) Presently serves as  Fire Chief of the Franklin Fire Department.

Brady Borel (Member)News Reporter of KQKI 95.3 fm radio station for many years.

Charles Cannan (Member) Region 3 Office of Public Health.

Pickup Points

In the event of a declared mandatory evacuation order, those without transportation can go to the following pick up points:

Morgan City Jr. High
(29’4218.93N / 91’1212.06W)
911 Marguerite St.
Morgan City, LA

Franklin Senior High
(29’4815.91N / 91’3002.80W)
1401 Cynthia St.
Franklin, LA

Post Storm Shelters


Those With Special Needs

When a local evacuation order is called, parish officials, will notify residents primarily using local media and the Emergency Alert System (EAS). All emergency information, including shelter openings, evacuation routes, and weather conditions will be given through the media. Stay tuned to your local radio and television stations for the latest official advisories, warnings, and bulletins.

If you or one of your family/friends are special needs, Please call the St. Mary Parish OHSEP office to register.  (337) 828-4100 ext. 135 or 136

More disaster preparedness resources for people with disabilities: National Council on Disability

Pets Evacuation Information

If you evacuate, take your pet with you. Most emergency shelters do not allow animals, so have a plan for your pet. Safe places to take your pet may include homes of friends or relatives, pet friendly hotels, pet kennels or veterinary facilities. Prepare a list of contact numbers in advance. Contact your local animal control facility for information in your area.

Choose a designated care giver, such as a neighbor, friend or relative to care for your pet in the event that you are unable to do so.

Ensure that your pet wears a collar with a rabies tag at all times. Consult your veterinarian about permanent identification, such as microchipping, or registration with a pet recovery database.

Assemble a Pet Emergency Kit Including:

  • Leash, harness and / or Pet carrier
  • 1-Week supply of food and water with bowls
  • Medications and pet first aid kit
  • Copies of vaccination, medical records and a photo of you and your pet (for identification) in a waterproof container
  • Plastic bags, disinfectants, paper towels and for cats, a litter box
  • Blankets, toys and treats

During An Emergency

  • Keep your pets on hand at the first sign of an emergency. Don’t allow your pets to roam loose following a disaster.
  • Call ahead to make arrangements for boarding your pet outside the danger area.
  • Keep your pet emergency kit close at hand.

Pet Friendly Shelters/Hotels

For more detailed information, visit the following resource web sites:

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