January 20, 2025 | Weather Alerts


Good morning all,
The forecast for temperatures and snowfall totals Tuesday have not changed much overnight with only slight tweaks to both. The region will climb into the upper 30s to near 40 degrees this afternoon before quickly falling back below freezing around sunset. From there, the area will likely not climb above freezing again until Thursday afternoon yielding between 50-60 consecutive hours below freezing.
Snowfall totals of 2-6 inches are most likely south of Hwy 190 although localized amounts as high as 10 inches are realistically possible. Snow totals are expected to be lower north of Hwy 190 with 2-4 inches most likely.
With temperatures not rising above freezing until Thursday afternoon, whatever snow accumulates on Tuesday will not begin to melt until then. Most snow will likely melt Friday, but larger accumulations and snow in shaded areas may last until as late as Saturday.
~ Donald Jones
May be an image of suitcase and text
May be an image of map and text that says 'Winter Storm Warning 12:00 AM Tuesday Until 12:00 Wednesday Winter Storm Warning means that snow and/or sleet accumulations leading to significant impacts are expected. Hazards Winter Warning January 5:45 AM Total snow accumulations of 2-6 inches are expected across the region. Wind gusts up 35 mph will be possible during periods of snow. Leesville Alexandria Jasper Woodville Bunkie Oakdale Roads, especially bridges and overpasses, will likely become slick and hazardous. Opelousas Delay travel possible. Motorists should use extreme caution if travel becomes necessary. BeaumonOrange Charles Jennings Lafayette Oceanic Sea Rim State Park Cameron -Jeanerette National Weather Service Lake Charles,'
May be an image of map and text that says 'Cold Weather Advisory Until Noon Today and from 6:00 PM This Evening until 6:00 PM Tuesday F台相ra Cold Weather Advisory A Cold Weather Advisory means that temperatures and/or wind chill are forecasted to fall to 20°F or lower. January 20, 2025 5:45 AM Leesville Alexandria These temperatures and wind chills can lead hypothermia with prolonged exposure. Jasper Woodville Ridder Bunkie Oakdale Opelousas Dress in dry layers if going outdoors during this time and have quickly accessible source of warmth. Lake Charles Jennings Lafayette BeaumonOrange National and Administration State Park Cameroh Jeanerette Morgan City National Weather Service Lake Charles, LA'
May be an image of map and text
May be an image of map and text
May be an image of map and text
May be an image of map and text
May be an image of text
May be an image of text that says '1/20 Min Temperatures This Week Central and Southwest Louisiana Mon 12pT3pT6p 6pm 1/21 Tue lexandria 1/22 ameron 2am 24 Wed 2am3 rowley January 20, 2025 5:45 AM 1/23 6am 9am eRidder Thu 12pm3pm pm50m9pm 12am3 21 20 nice 1/24 Fri 2pm3pm6 29 ranklin- Morgan afayette Arthur 1/25 Sat 12am3am6am9am 2am 35 36 ake Charles eesville Fort Johnson arksville akdale 43 38 NDRA National and Atmospheric Administration 43 20° 25° 30° 45 35° 40° 45° 50° 55° 60° 65° 70° Near Below Freezing Temperatures National Weather Service Lake Charles, LA'
May be an image of text
May be an image of text
May be an image of map, arctic and text that says 'Forecast Hours Below Freezing Monday Evening Thursday Morning The area will fall below freezing Monday evening and likely not climb back above freezing until Thursday afternoon. January 20, 5:45 48+ Alexandria 48+ 48+ Jasper Woodville 48+ Leesville 48+ 48+ De Ridder Oakdale Most areas will be below freezing for 50-60 consecutive hours. 48+ Bunkie 48+ Buna 48+ Opelousas 48+ Ragley 48+ 48+ Lake Charles Jennings Any non moving exposed water will begin to freeze. 48+ BeaumontOrange 48+ Lafayette 36 Sea Rim State Park Administration Cameron 48+ Jeanerette 45 Morgan 47 Pecan Island National Weather Service Lake Charles, LA'

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